2024 TASC Middle-Level Annual Conference
(Mon-Tues) Nov. 4-5 | Waco Convention Center

2024 Middle Level Conference Registration 

$95 with a t-shirt by October 9th
$110 without a t-shirt by November 4th

Rooms will be available at the Hilton Waco Convention Center and Courtyard Hotel:

2024 ML Block Hilton Link
2024 ML Block Marriott Courtyard Link

Middle Level and High Schools can apply to present breakout sessions!

2024 Middle Level Conference - Breakout Session Proposal

For 2024 planning purposes: Check out last year's ML 2023 PROGRAM!


Take a leadership team to the Middle-Level Annual Conference!

Give your school the leadership edge while building a positive school climate and culture.

• Enjoy motivational general sessions presented by nationally recognized speakers
• Learn in breakouts and discussion groups led by outstanding leaders and advisors from across Texas
• Join hundreds of middle-level leaders, network with other student council and NJHS advisors and students
• Learn about opportunities for community service and gain leadership resources
• Walk away with ideas for a successful year
• Participate in a Service Project
• Experience a taste of Summer Leadership Workshops
• There is still time for recognition! Submit your application for Top Video or Top Project by October!

Lead a Breakout Session »
Breakouts at the ML Conference are 15-minute presentations to small groups (approximately 30 participants) scheduled for the second day of the conference. Exhibitors, Endorsed Programs, middle-level schools, and high schools are invited to present. An advisor should be in the room with middle-level presenters. Your topics may be relevant to either honor society, student council, or general student leadership. Active participation is encouraged, and dependence on AV, such as video, PowerPoint, etc. is discouraged. Internet is not provided. 

2023 Schedule

Friday, November 17, 2023
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Registration / TASC Bookstore / Exhibits / Activities
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Dinner On Your Own
5:30 pm - 5:55 pm 
(Mandatory) Advisors' Meeting
6:00 pm - 7:45 pm Opening General Session
7:50 pm - 10:00 pm Evening Special Sessions Rotations

Saturday, November 18, 2023
7:00 am - 8:25 am Breakfast and Hometown Council Meetings
8:00 am - 2:30 pm  Registration / TASC Bookstore / Exhibits
8:30 am - 9:00 am  Second General Session 
9:15 am - 10:55 am  Breakout Sessions/Advisor Sessions
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Closing General Session
12:30 pm  Lunch on your own or on your way home!

CPE Form for Advisors > TBA

Keynote Speakers 

TASC Board of Directors Registration and Cancellation Policy:

  • Early Bird Registration: Those registering by midnight on the day Early Bird Registration Closes have a discounted registration fee. They are also guaranteed lunch on the first day of the Advisors Workshop.
  • Cancellation Policy: Cancellations and refunds will be permitted until one month prior to the start date of a particular event or workshop and must be made in writing to the TASC office (email to [email protected] and [email protected]). When applicable, the refund amount will be applied to the balance due. Each time a cancellation is made, there will be a transaction fee (⅓ of the registration fee) assessed per individual cancellation. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations made less than one month prior to the start date of an event/workshop. Refunds will not be provided for event/workshop no-shows, regardless of the situation.
  • Should TASC have to cancel the entire workshop for matters beyond our control, refunds will be given to all those registered.